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Pelly, SK Real Estate - Houses For Sale in Pelly, Saskatchewan

Homes for sale in Pelly have an average price of $186,900 on MLS®. Approximately 40% of the homes in Pelly date back to pre-1960, with many of the others being constructed during the 1960s and 1980s. The village's housing consists largely of single detached houses and townhouses. About 90% of the homes are owner-occupied, with the rest being rented out. Most houses in this area offer two or three bedrooms.  Read more about Pelly real estate

2 Homes For Sale in Pelly


About Living in Pelly, Saskatchewan


Cars are a very good means of transportation in Pelly. It is very convenient to access a parking spot. It is challenging for pedestrians to navigate Pelly as meeting daily needs is difficult.


Parents and their children will find that wherever their property is located in Pelly, daycares are close by. However, Pelly does not have any primary schools or high schools. With regards to food, it is straightforward to reach the closest supermarket by walking in this village.


Pelly is very good for those who enjoy quiet surroundings, as there tend to be low levels of noise from traffic.