Investment Properties for Sale in Richelieu, QC
In Richelieu, the majority of residences are single detached houses, with smaller apartment buildings composing most of the other housing options. The city offers a variety of housing sizes, from lofts to homes with four or more bedrooms. Approximately 60% of residents are homeowners, while the remaining 40% are renters. About 30% of the properties were constructed during the 1960s and 1970s, with the rest mainly being built before 1960 and throughout the 1980s.
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- $675,000216 - 220 Rue St-JacquesSaint-Jean-Sur-Richel ..., QC
- $789,000310 7e AvenueSaint-Jean-Sur-Richel ..., QC
- $799,900231 Rue De CarillonSaint-Jean-Sur-Richel ..., QC
- $699,900692 - 698 Rue St-JacquesSaint-Jean-Sur-Richel ..., QC
- $895,000455 - 459 Rue RémillardSaint-Jean-Sur-Richel ..., QC
- $869,900773 - 777 Rue La SalleSaint-Jean-Sur-Richel ..., QC
- $419,000142 - 144 Rue Bouthillier N.Saint-Jean-Sur-Richel ..., QC
- $1,369,000411a Ch. Des PatriotesSaint-Mathias-Sur-Ric ..., QC
- $699,900 +GST/QST136 - 138 Rue RichelieuSaint-Jean-Sur-Richel ..., QC
- $549,9001799z Rue JasminSaint-Jean-Sur-Richel ..., QC
- $489,900221 Rue St-GeorgesSaint-Jean-Sur-Richel ..., QC
- $549,900219 - 221 Rue St-HubertSaint-Jean-Sur-Richel ..., QC
- $578,000124 Rue MercierSaint-Jean-Sur-Richel ..., QC
- $579,000235 - 237a Rue St-GeorgesSaint-Jean-Sur-Richel ..., QC
- $825,000927 - 929 Rue BelleriveSaint-Jean-Sur-Richel ..., QC
- $795,000 +GST/QST71 - 77 Rue St-PaulSaint-Jean-Sur-Richel ..., QC
- $399,500417 Rue Des TrinitairesSaint-Jean-Sur-Richel ..., QC
- $279,90060 - 62 Rue CollinSaint-Jean-Sur-Richel ..., QC
- $4,800,00086 Rue Jacques-Cartier S.Saint-Jean-Sur-Richel ..., QC
- $1,496,000930 - 932 Rue VinceletteSaint-Jean-Sur-Richel ..., QC
- $1,456,000910 - 912 Rue VinceletteSaint-Jean-Sur-Richel ..., QC
- $925,000 +GST/QST2 Route 104Saint-Jean-Sur-Richel ..., QC
- $599,90010 - 10a Rue MessierSaint-Mathias-Sur-Ric ..., QC
- $1,395,000300 - 310 10e AvenueSaint-Jean-Sur-Richel ..., QC
- $1,345,000312 - 322 10e AvenueSaint-Jean-Sur-Richel ..., QC
- $549,900184 - 186 Rue Cousins N.Saint-Jean-Sur-Richel ..., QC
- $770,000246 - 252 Rue St-CharlesSaint-Jean-Sur-Richel ..., QC
- $1,050,000178 Rue Notre-DameSaint-Jean-Sur-Richel ..., QC