Semi-Detached for Sale in Kitchener, ON
Semi-detached Homes for sale in Kitchener have an average price listed at $707,000 on MLS®. In Kitchener, about half of the residences are single detached homes. Alongside, there's a notable presence of large and small apartment buildings, as well as townhouses. The city predominantly offers two and three bedroom homes. Around 60% of the local population are homeowners, with the remaining 40% renting their accommodations. Approximately 30% of the properties were constructed between 1960 and 1980, while the others were mainly built before 1960 or in the 1980s. Semi-detached homes comprise 0.22% of the housing listings in Kitchener.
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- $650,0001358 Queen's BoulevardKitchener, ON
- $599,00032 Obermeyer DriveKitchener, ON
- $727,70082 Conway DriveKitchener, ON
- $727,70082 Conway DriveKitchener, ON
- $699,900144 Markwood DriveKitchener, ON
- $675,00044 Wilhelm StreetKitchener, ON