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Quispamsis, NB Real Estate - Houses For Sale in Quispamsis, New Brunswick

Homes for sale in Quispamsis have an average price of $587,587 on MLS®. Approximately 30% of the homes were built after 2000, with the other significant periods of construction being the 1960s and the 1980s. The majority of residences in Quispamsis are single-family detached homes, with duplexes making up a smaller portion of the market. Nearly 90% of the properties are occupied by their owners, while about 10% are rentals. The town predominantly features three-bedroom and four-plus-bedroom houses.  Read more about Quispamsis real estate

59 Homes For Sale in Quispamsis


About Living in Quispamsis, New Brunswick


The favoured method to move around in Quispamsis is usually a car. It is very convenient to park. In contrast, travelling by public transit is very difficult in Quispamsis. Nonetheless, there are a few bus lines. Quispamsis is not very conducive to walking because meeting daily needs is inconvenient.


A car is typically needed in this part of the Greater Saint John metropolitan area to reach the nearest grocery store. When it comes to education, there are only a very small number of high schools and primary schools in Quispamsis and therefore they can be a very long walk away. Furthermore, parents and their children may find it difficult to access daycares as a pedestrian.


Quispamsis is very good for those who enjoy quiet surroundings, as the streets are usually very peaceful.