Telkwa, BC Real Estate - Houses For Sale in Telkwa, British Columbia
Homes for sale in the village feature an average MLS® listing price of $559,500. About 95% of the residences here are occupied by homeowners, leaving only a small percentage for renters. The primary housing options consist of single detached homes and townhouses. Approximately 40% of the properties were constructed between 1990 and 2000, with the rest mostly dating back to the 1960s and 1980s. A notable characteristic of this village is the higher proportion of homes with four or more bedrooms. Read more about Telkwa real estate

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About Living in Telkwa, British Columbia
Telkwa is especially car friendly. It is very convenient to find a place to park. It is very challenging for pedestrians to move around in Telkwa since almost no daily needs can be met without having to use a vehicle.
There are only a few primary schools in Telkwa and accordingly they can be a long walk away. In addition, Telkwa does not contain any high schools. Furthermore, parents and their children may find it challenging to reach daycares on foot. Concerning eating, in all cases, a car is required in this village to access the closest grocery store.
Telkwa is very quiet overall, as the streets are usually very tranquil.